Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Thursday Threesome Meme

Thursday Threesome

::”I am the King of Wishful Thinking”::

Onesome: I am– When you state “I am”, what do you state that you are? Hmmm, me? I don’t get it, I must still be asleep. I am me, am I supposed to be something or someone else? 🙂 I’m just me, plain, simple, and exceedingly mundane!

Twosome: the King– Are you the king (or queen) of something? The remote? The household? Or is there something else you master? I am the queen of the household, for sure. My domain. I take care of everything inside the house, and I quite enjoy my job. Very low stress. I’m also the queen of all-picture-taking. Tim doesn’t take pictures unless I shove my camera in his hand and beg and plead, and then sometimes I still don’t get photos with me in them. (P.S. For the record, Tim is king of the remote. I’m only allowed to touch it if he leaves the house :mrgreen:)

Threesome: of Wishful Thinking– What have you been wishful for lately? That a fairy would appear overnight and all of the spring and summer flowers and flower beds would be planted and done and ready, without me having to lift a finger!


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