Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Finished “The DaVinci Code”

The DaVinci Code by Dan BrownI stayed up late last night and finished my latest book, “The DaVinci Code” by Dan Brown. I can honestly say that this is the best book I have read so far this year, and I’ve read some good books, some that I have really enjoyed. This book, however, was very gripping, a real page-turner. I can definitely see how it’s going to be a great movie. Lots of action and thrilling cat and mouse moves. It has the “darker” side to it, the conspiracy theories that it tries to espouse, along with some parts of the “cult” that are not very seemly, but those are not major issues for me. I can read over those and not be affected. I’m not going to let this book, or any other piece of fiction, change what I believe in my heart, and so I was able to take that line of writing with a grain of salt. Having done that, I thoroughly, and I mean thoroughly, enjoyed this book! A definite must-read. It was so hard to put it down and go do something else, or even go to sleep at night!

OK, that makes #17 on the year, with a total of 6,314 pages read. Up next is the sequel to “One Tuesday Morning” by Karen Kingsbury, called “Beyond Tuesday Morning”. After that, I’m reading a book by a new-to-me author named Penelope J. Stokes. Also, I picked up another book at the library yesterday. I had my name on the waiting list for the 3rd book in the Redemption series by Karen Kingsbury. There were 2 people ahead of me and I’ve been waiting several weeks. The library called to tell me it was in, and my turn, so I picked it up yesterday. It’s called “Return” and I’ll be reading that one after the other two. Whew – my favorite saying still applies: “So many books, so little time!” 🙂

  1. Susie Said,

    I also enjoyed reading The DaVinci Code. Of course, as you said, no work of fiction or speculative writing is going to change my mind or my heart. If we believed everything we read, we’d be pretty confused! 🙂

    You’re beating me on the # of books read this year. I’ve gotta catch up soon!

  2. Dawn Said,

    that’s the one thing about the library for me. due dates. i feel pressured to finish the book & then i don’t get to enjoy it as much for some reason. i need a book program similar to Netflix lol…

  3. Kathy M Said,

    Told you that you would like it *Ü*.

  4. Michael Said,

    As for an Elizabeth George novel, you can start with A Great Deliverance that starts the series…it’s great.

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