Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme (Late)

Well, I stayed pretty busy today and didn’t get this done earlier. If you’d like to play along, just post your own answers in a comment! 🙂

From this website.

Appetizer – Who is the one person you email more often than anyone else? Probably Gail.

Soup – So far, which year of your life has been the most enjoyable? Well, I would have to say 1995, the year that Tim and I dated and got engaged.

Salad – Name someone with whom you have lost touch but would like to reunite. Probably either Julie or Kate.

Main Course – What was the tastiest meal you had this past week? Hmm, the tastiest one I prepared was my beefy black bean chili with homemade butter wheat bread. Overall, it would be our dinner out tonight, I had shrimp quesadillas and they were delicious!

Dessert – Using the letters in your favorite color, write three words that describe your personality.

G – Gullible
R – Routinized (Routine-Oriented)
E – Envious
E – Entertaining
N – Naive


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