Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Monday Madness Meme

Monday Madness Meme

The following questions were offered by one of our fellow participants who wishes to remain anonymous. After you’ve answered the first question, proceed to the set of questions below it, depending on if your answer was YES or NO. Thanks so much for playing! =)

Do you like to shop? Not Really

IF YES, answer the following:

1. What is your favorite store? Why?
2. Do you only shop when there is something you specifically need or want or do you sometimes go shopping just for “something to do?”
3. Do you prefer shopping online or in stores?
4. Do you have a shopping buddy or are you perfectly content going alone?

IF NO, answer the following:

1. Even though you don’t like to shop, where do you find yourself shopping most often? Mostly the necessities – grocery shopping, Walmart, Target and Sam’s are my common stops. Occasionally I will go to Kohl’s (a few times a year) for clothes, or to Marshalls or TJ Maxx to browse. I also occasionally go to Bed, Bath and Beyond or Linen’s and Things to look around. I love bookstores, but don’t go often…. it’s too hard to resist not spending a lot of money on books and coffee! I avoid the mall like the plague 😀

2. Do you try to send someone else to shop for you? if so, who and why that person? No, no one to send. I’m it 😀

3. Do you think shopping online is as annoying as shopping in stores? No, I love shopping, and especially browsing, online. No crowds, no rude sales clerks, no parking and traffic issues. What’s not to like about shopping from the comfort of your own home, in your PJ’s?! 🙂

4. Does anyone close to you encourage to go shopping with her (or him)? if so, do you feel tortured and go or just say no? I go with Gail sometimes, when she drives down here to shop or do stuff. It’s a nice change to actually have someone to go with, and Gail and I are very alike in our tastes, so we like the same stores and most of the same stuff.


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