Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Finished “Angry Housewives”

Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons by Lorna LandvikI finished my last book from the library last night, “Angry Housewives Eating Bon Bons” by Lorna Landvik. That makes #16 for the year, with a total of 5,825 pages read. I need to post a review for it on Hambones.org. Actually, I need to post several book and movie reviews. I seem to really be procrastinating on those! 🙂

This was a good book and I enjoyed it, although I know of several people who would not enjoy it. It covers a book club, a group of 5 women living on the same street in Minnesota, who get together to read books, eat, drink and gossip, and in the process, form a friendship that spans 4 decades. It follows their lives, their marriages and relationships, their children, and draws on the times. The sixties cover sex, drugs and the Vietnam conflict. Some of the 70’s, as well. There’s drug use, out-of-wedlock and interracical babies, spousal abuse, gay relationships and other issues current with the times. It was a good book, and I love to see characters developed and how their life unfolds. I’d probably give it a 7 out of 10.

Next up, I am trying to start “The DaVinci Code” by Dan Brown. I think I’m about the last person on the planet to read this book. I am going to approach it as a piece of fiction, not some assault against facts that I know as a Christian. I wanted to read it before the movie came out, and I saw a preview recently, so I think the movie comes out this summer. I need to get a move on! Also up is a trip back to the library. I’ll post more when I get more books lined up to read next. 🙂

  1. Kathy M Said,

    Glad that you liked it. I heard that there was another book that was a prequel to this one, but I don’t know the title. I was thinking that it might cover the original bookclub mentioned in the book.

    Enjoy the DaVinci code. I LOVED that book.
    Kathy M.

  2. Ficklechick Said,

    I bought that book a while ago, but I haven’t read it yet. I thought I would read it write something in it and pass it along my bunko group, to keep with the theme of the book.

    It was a good idea, we’ll see if it ever happens!

  3. Liz Said,

    Sounds like a good book. I might have to check it out. I don’t think I’ll ever read the DaVinci code. I saw some programs about it on tv and it’s just not my cup of tea. Good reviews or not, it’s too long (hee) and it sounds as though it’s trying to be serious when there’s so much wrong with it. Just not my thing. You’ll have to tell me what you think when you’re finished though. Am curious. As a work of fiction, if you can keep it in your head that way. 🙂

  4. ZuphChic Said,

    Sounds alot like the book I just read, “The Reading Group” although it only covers one year. But I think that’s the point…a group of women who seem, on the surface, alot alike but go through monumental changes in one year’s time.

    I also just upated my 2006 reading list (an idea I stole from YOU!). I’ve read 15 books and 3,589 pages. You must read alot BIGGER books than I do! 🙂 But my goal for 2006 is 15,000 pages…however many books it takes! Do you have a goal in mind? Do you make a list like this every year?

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