Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Friday Feast Meme

Friday Feast Meme

Friday, April 07, 2006
Feast Eighty-Eight

Name a trait you share with your parents or your children.
I think I inherited lots of things, good and bad, from my parents. I am a good manager of money, thanks to my dad’s teaching. They were very frugal people, and I believe I am too. “Waste not, want not” was drilled into me. I am afraid I also inherited my mom’s propensity to worry and stress about things. I’m a terrible worrier.

List 3 qualities of a good leader, in your opinion.
A good leader should have honor, integrity and a good sense of morals, of right and wrong, and the strength to stand up for what is right.

Who is your favorite television chef?
I’m currently on a Giada streak. I used to like Rachael Ray, but she is so overexposed now that she almost bugs me. I like watching Paula Deen also, she’s a hoot!

Main Course
Share a story about a gift you received from someone you love.
A couple of years after Tim and I were married, he gave me a vacuum cleaner for Christmas. I never thought I had married the kind of guy to give me tools or appliances for gifts, especially in the first couple years of our married life. I wanted flowers, candy, jewelry, thoughtful gifts, not household appliances. He has a couple of great photos of the look on my face when I opened it. He finally had to open the clear canister on the front and show me where there was another box with a silver bracelet. Which didn’t fit, by the way, and I had to return. I have tiny wrists and it just fell right off my hand. It was sweet though, and I’ve finally gotten over my appliance-gift phobia. One of my favorite things he has gotten me recently (last year) was a set of Calphalon pots and pans! I love those things, and use them every day! 🙂

How do you react under pressure?
Not well. I don’t handle stress and pressure well. Thankfully, Tim does, so I rely on him.

  1. Loni Said,

    I found your blog through the FF homepage. I enjoyed reading through it. I love the vaccuum story. 🙂 I also liked reading through the rest of your blog. We’ve read many of the same books. 🙂

    My FF is also up.

  2. Liz Said,

    That story is so cute. My hub is great with presents. He’s an engineer and often comes home and tells me how badly his friends messed up after xmas or Valentine’s Day because “Well, she said we weren’t DOING presents!” Hee. He always tells them but they never listen. Or they get the vacuum cleaner and no bracelet. 🙂

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