Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace


I love flowers blooming in the spring. Even more than that, I love having flowers I didn’t expect to come back and bloom again. I planted some snapdragons last fall in one of my flower beds. Most of them looked pretty ragged when I pulled them up in the winter, but two of them looked half alive, so instead of throwing them in the trash, I stuck them in an old flower pot behind my fence. Didn’t plant them, didn’t water them, didn’t fertilize them. I just made a hole with my hand in an old pot with old dirt, stuck them in, and covered their roots.

This spring, they have come back and bloomed beautifully. Here’s a collage of some of the pictures I have taken… making them smaller to fit in one collage really takes away from how pretty they are. So, I’m including a couple of pictures on the extended page. Even then, the pictures don’t do them justice! The colors are just so vibrant and gorgeous – pink and yellow – so springy!


  1. Ficklechick Said,


  2. Suzanne Said,

    so pretty and springy…..we have none blooming yet !!

  3. deb Said,

    Wow! I wish I had your green thumb! I have found, however, that snapdragons are very hardy plants. I have some coming back up in an old black castiron pot that I gave up for dead. No blooms yet but I spotted a few little buds. I’ve been watering them along with the other flowers. Time will tell…

    Beautiful, cheery pictures…I love them!

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