Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Bad TV night

I was really looking forward to all of my “shows” last night. We taped Bones, something we have started watching on Fox. We love all these good forensic shows that have interesting, likable main characters. We also taped the Idol results show, which we later watched. I was very sorry to see Mandisa go home. Granted, she didn’t do a great job with that Shania Twain song (that I love, by the way), but she was a heck of a lot better than a couple of others.

We watched Amazing Race and that was my heartbreaker for the night. Although I like several of the teams (and have team Mojo in a little informal pool I’m in), my favorite team by far has been “the nerds” – Dave and Lori. I just so hated to see them eliminated. I was sooo hoping for a non-elimination round (they haven’t had one yet, have they?), but no such luck. Sigh, my favorites are gone. I watched “The Early Show” this morning and saw their interview. They were as sweet and lovable on there as on the show. And to finish up, they said they were going to get married, so that made me really happy.

Lost was a horse of a different color. Tim called it right away, in the first 10 minutes, that “Dave” was Hurley’s alter ego. It was a rather boring episode, I thought, except for the little curve ball they threw in at the very end -Libby was in the same psych ward. Sigh. Ho-hum. Who cares. I want to know more about Henry, the Others and the hatch.

All in all, a disappointing night.


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