Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Spring Has Sprung

Well, several of the harbingers of spring have now come to pass for me… among them:

  • We’ve had to turn on the A/C already. It’s not on right now, but we had to run it this past weekend. Ugh. I always try to wait till late April or early May, but not this year.
  • I actually did a little spring cleaning the other day. {shudder} I vacuumed our mattress, vacuumed several of the blinds, and threw a bunch of the curtains in the dryer (to get all of the dust out of them, and fluff them up). I have not cleaned windows or moved furniture, thank goodness.
  • Today, I took the winter sheets (jersey, not flannel) off our bed and put on the summer (cotton) ones.
  • Finally, I did something I swore up and down I would not do. I always try to resist and not buy spring annual flowers until after Easter. I believe in that old wives tale about there always being one last freeze before Easter. I checked the 10 day forecast and no low’s in the 30’s forecast for us, so I broke down and bought one, just one, little annual to plant in a pot on my deck. I was very good and didn’t buy any more. I could have. And I wanted to. But, I didn’t, so hush your mouth.

    I bought a New Guinea impatien. I don’t think I’ve tried these before, or haven’t in pots. I need to plant it tomorrow or the next day:

    New Guinea Impatien for a pot on my deck

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    1. Dawn Said,

      it’s been warm here too. mid to upper 80s for the last 2 weeks, except for one day.

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