Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Tuesday Twosome Meme

Tuesday Twosome Meme

1. How many computers are in your home? Are they for personal or business use? Lots. 3 “regular” ones and one laptop from work. We have 2 PC’s running Linux that comprise Hambones, and my regular windows desktop.

2. How many cars does your household own? What are the colors of the cars? 2 Fords. Tim’s is a dark grey and mine is a maroon.

3. When was the last time you did a thorough cleaning of your home? Did you find anything that you thought you lost? Ick. That sounds like spring cleaning to me. Seriously, I try to keep things clean around here so I don’t have to do much deep cleaning. Of course, if you move the refrigerator or the couch or the bed, dust bunnies will be very prevalent. I don’t do that often!

4. Do you generally get along with your neighbors? Is there one neighbor that really gets on your nerves? Yes, we get along with our neighbors really well. Now that spring is upon us, we’ve been out more and so have our neighbors. We’ve been talking up a blue streak to several of them, catching up.

5. Are you basically content with your living situation? Why or why not? Heavens, yes. I am a homebody, nesting type person to the nth degree. I love being home. I love having a home. I love taking care of me and Tim. I wouldn’t change a thing (except to get another dog – hint hint).

  1. Liz Said,

    Would you like a chocolate lab? Sigh…

    You have too many computers too I see. Weird isn’t it, if you look back to childhood. Seems my calculator was almost the size of my laptop. Hee.

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