Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

By the Way Sunday Meme

By the Way Sunday Meme

I was going to blog about this anyway, in my daily rambling. Might as well do Sindee’s fun weekly meme as the tool!

~April Fools~

By the way…
Have you been the fooler or the fooled?Always the fooled. 😕
Care to share? Yesterday, I was taken in twice. April Fool’s. Huh. Seems like a way to be mean to people, to me. 😛

Let’s see… Gail got me first. She called in the AM and convinced me she was sick, and that she might not be able to drive to North Carolina to visit Jeremy, Kathryn and Katelyn. She was going to keep Katelyn for a week, while Kathryn went back to work after maternity leave. She said she ate something and she was feeling horrible, yada, yada, yada. I’m so gullible that not only did I believe her, but I felt sorry for her, was sympathetic and hated that she wasn’t feeling good. Yeah, right. April Fool’s.

Then, Tim got me later on in the day. He and Don went to play golf at the Refuge. On the way home, he called on the cell and Chris and Elizabeth had just gotten here. I needed to go ahead and order pizza, so I switched phones and ordered 2 large pizzas plus an order of cheese sticks from our favorite pizza joint. Delivery was over an hour, so I got back on the cell with Tim and got him to stop and wait for pick-up (20 minutes). Tim called about 25 minutes later and said “I got the pizzas – did you order smalls? These boxes are really small.”. No, and I proceeded to get upset that they got our order wrong and we had 5 hungry people and two tiny pizzas. Well, after letting me wax on a while, Tim finally says the magic words “April Fool’s!”. Yeah, right. Got me again. I’m too gullible and naive and trusting for my own good.

They weren’t mean or malicious, but just go to prove that I believe and trust people. And people are mean to me. One of my favorite phrases is always “why is everybody always picking on me?” Never were truer words spoken.

  1. Sindee Said,

    Hi Stacy!
    You’re just gullible like me! lol I managed to get through April Fool’s day without any tricks played on me for once. My husband usually gets me somehow. He’s losing his touch!
    Have a good week! {{Hugs}}

  2. Suzanne Said,

    Happy April Fools !!

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