Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Saturday Stats

Saturday’s Bullet points:

  • Exercise – check. Walked 2 miles this AM
  • Beverage – coffee in the AM. Current creamer flavor – cinnamon. Peach tea for lunch. Diet Dr Pepper (caffeine free) for supper, if we order pizza. Otherwise, water
  • Food – hopefully Papa John’s pizza for supper. If not, maybe we’ll go out
  • Music – listening to an 80’s Mix I have on my iPod
  • Books – reading “Miss Julia Throws a Wedding”. Loving it 🙂
  • TV – not a blasted thing on that interests me.
  • Playing – hopefully playing games with Chris and Liz later. Choices: Phase 10 (they have to teach us), Mille Bornes (we have to teach them), Liverpool, Trivial Pursuit
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    1. Suzanne Said,

      have fun if they come over to play !!

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