Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

A Day Late…

and a dollar short. I seem to be blogging consistently a day behind lately. I blog about Thursday on Friday, and now, I’ll blog about Friday on Saturday. Oh well. At least I have something to write about, and not just a meme 🙂 Although I do love memes and questionnaires.

Let’s see… Friday was another busy day (the best kind!). I had a lot to do around the house and then I had to go get my hair cut. Tim also went and got his cut, except when he came home, he looked like he had been scalped by Indians. It’s shaved down to his cue-ball head. No hair basically left on his head. I told him, why don’t you just let me shave it bald? Might as well. And he smiled really big and said OK!

Tim went to the driving range to hit balls while I was gone. He left me a really sweet note that I found when I got in, that said “don’t bother taking out stuff to cook when I got in, that he wanted to take me out to dinner.” 🙂 Anyway, he called around dark on his way home and we were talking. I said “how did it go?” and he said “Great – I hit better than I ever have!”. And I was like, well, that’s good sweetheart. 🙄 And he offers up the explanation – “that’s because I signed up for golf lessons and I had my first one this afternoon!”. So, now Tim is taking golf lessons. He had his first one and has agreed to take 4 more from the teaching guy at the driving range. He was really happy and the guy helped him a lot with his swing and his grip. The best part of it to me – his teacher told him NOT to hit balls until his next lesson. He didn’t want him messing up what they had worked on! So, that was a ray of sunshine for me 🙂

Last night we went to our newest favorite Mexican place, Papitos. Another twenty minute wait, but well worth it. The food is great. Owned by the same people that own the Margaritas restaurant in Jackson and the food is outstanding. We had enough to bring home a take-out box each. We went by the video store and got two movies. One for Tim (Lord of War) and one for me (Pride and Prejudice). Tim wanted to watch his last night. I only made it about 1/2 the way through before I went to read. Not my kind of movie. Too much violence and bad language. I asked Tim this morning if he liked it and he said “not really”. It’s definitely not one I would recommend.

Today looks busy as well – we’re going to finish the bathroom. Tim applied something new yesterday that we had not used on the previous rooms – a grout haze cleaner. I just finished sweeping and vacuuming it, and now he’s going to apply the sealer. Two coats of sealer, then caulking around the tub and shower, then reinstalling the shoe moulding. Last up will be to bring back in the toilet and re-install. Then, I’ll have to scrub everything good and maybe we can move back in later today or tomorrow.

I have 3 or 4 loads of laundry to do today (odd for me to do on the weekend, but I’ve been really busy lately), and various household chores. Also another little project for this afternoon that I will blog about later today or tomorrow. The sun is shining and it looks like a beautiful day. Have a great Saturday!

  1. Gail Said,

    golf lessons……….Don will be jealous!

  2. Suzanne Said,

    I think the lessons are a good thing, even the best of golfers take lessons, to further refine what they are doing……….had I taken lessons I might have stuck w/it……..

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