Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Booking Through Thursday

Booking Through Thursday Meme

I found this meme last week, and failed to notice that the one I did was from the week prior. So, I’m going to post last week’s and this weeks, and try to catch up!

This week’s question:

  1. Have you ever read a self-help book? Nope, not that I can think of
  2. What do you think about self-help books in general? They’re ok for some, but not really for me
  3. Would you ever recommend a self-help book? I’d have to read one first… I am semi-interested in some of the Oprah-inspired medical books by Dr’s Mehmet Oz and Michael Roizen (sp?). I might check one of those out of the library one day, but it’s not high on my list at all

And last week’s, that I missed!

  1. Do you have any books that are signed by the author? No, but I wish I did. They often have book signings at Lemuria here by John Grisham, when he comes out with new books. But, I’ve heard and read in the paper that it’s a stampede, and I think they may even limit the number of people who they allow to stand in line. I’ve just never gone that extra effort to go line up and try to get his autograph. There’s a new smaller bookstore that has opened up in Madison, called YellowDog Books, and I’ve seen listings in the paper of local authors doing book signings, but again, I haven’t gone.
  2. Do you have a story behind the autograph? See above, wish I had one to have a cool story about!
  1. Gail Said,

    I saw the one you missed last week, and I thought about doing it myself but I ended up skipping it! I love books as well!

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