Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

The Ides of March

Yesterday, I blogged about some of my purple flowers that are blooming in the yard, and that they make me happy. The simple things make me happy, they really do. I have really made an effort in the last several years to slow down and enjoy the small, simple things in life. Sometimes, a blast from Sonic or watching the birds at my birdfeeder is the most exciting thing in my day, and yet, those sweet simple things make me the happiest. I could name lots of simple things that make me happy, but today, on the Ides of March, I’m going to blog about just one.

My wind chimes make me happy:
Wind Chimes

Now, don’t get me wrong, this simple thing hanging out back, outside my breakfast room window, make me happy all year round. I love them. I love to hear them singing in the breeze. Sometimes I hear them at night before I go to sleep and sometimes I hear them and the birds singing in the mornings when I wake up. I get great joy from them. I get joy from knowing that both of my sisters have the exact same one, we all got ours (at different times) from a nursery a block from my house called “Gardenworks”. I love the tone that they have and how they sound. I love to sit out on my deck this time of year, and read a book, and feel the sun on my face, and hear my wind chimes tickling the wind.

So, today, in the middle of the month that comes “in like a lion and goes out like a lamb”, I pay homage to one of my most favorite things. My wind chimes.

(And yes, they’ve been getting a workout lately. This March seems extra windy to me!)

  1. Amanda Said,

    I love the sound of wind chimes too!

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