Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Thursday Threesome Meme

From one of my most favorite meme sites – Thursday Threesome Meme

::Routine Scheduled Maintenance::

Onesome: Routine– Tell us about your morning routine. Do you get up at the same time every day, or do you sometimes hit the snooze button on your alarm clock more often than you should? Do you head straight for the coffee or into the shower? Well, I think this meme applies to people who have a job! 🙂 Like most of the rest of the world. I set the alarm for Tim, but we end up snoozing a couple of times. He heads right for the shower, I get up and fix his lunch, get his clothes out, and get going on my morning routine. I have a very specific routine I follow. It works for me. Certain things every day, certain things on certain days of the week. As Suzie said years ago (and I think she made up this word), I’m very “routinized”.

Twosome: Scheduled– What’s on your schedule for the day? Do you schedule every minute or go with the flow? I schedule most everything in my life. I have things I do each day, like the trivia in the morning, that I do at a specific time. I have lists all over the place – in my head, on my computer, on the refrigerator, on little scraps of paper lying around. The nice thing now is that most of the time, if I don’t get something done, it can wait till the next day. Not all of them, but some of them can slide. The luxury I have now. But, again, this meme is perfect for me, because I’m very structured, very ordered, very routine oriented. A bit OCD, Tim would say 😀

Threesome: Maintenance– What do you do to maintain your sanity each day in this hectic world? Do you find a little time to yourself each day and meditate, or wait until everyone’s tucked in for the night and log on to the computer or settle down with a book? Or do you run off to the gym and maintain your body while maintaining your mind? Well, again, a question for the person I used to be. I have done everything in my power to live a more stress-free life, to take care of my health, physically and mentally, and to take care of Tim in the process. I have a much different set of rules for myself now than I did when I was working full time. And I feel about a thousand times better too. :mrgreen:


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