Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Monday Madness Meme

Monday Madness

Ooh, kind of a toughie this week, at least for me. This kind of meme is always more of a brain stretch for me :mrgreen:

A good Monday to all! And now for this week’s challenge…

Using the letters in the word ‘MONDAY,’ list things that you do (or would like to do) in your spare time.

Move – or at least I try to. Walk, exercise, lift arm weights, I try to keep moving and stay fit and healthy
Oprah – I like watching Oprah, Martha and my soap during the day. Go ahead, give me one of those bon-bon comments, I dare ya :mrgreen:
New books – I love to read and love getting new books from the library and bookstore. I rarely reread books, always want something new!
Drink – more coffee. I like trying out new flavors of coffees, new creamers, and new stuff at Starbucks.
Always – tell Tim I love him, I try to every day. 🙂
Yell – at the TV during certain reality shows like American Idol, Survivor and Amazing Race. Sometimes we see things at home that those people obviously don’t see and I just want to yell at them.

  1. Gail Said,

    good ones!

  2. Dawn Said,

    hey i applaud you for doing this one. i didn’t even try. looked at that at 615am & thought “nope” lol!!

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