Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

By the Way Sunday Meme

By the Way Sunday

~A Meal Out~

By the way…
What are your 3 most favorite eateries? Hmm, very hard for me to pick. I LOVE to eat out, and we eat at tons of restaurants. Let’s see… off the top of my head I’d pick Golden Dragon (local Chinese place), Fratesi’s (local Italian place) and probably Sonic for fast food.
Why are they your favorites? Good food, some of the places I would pick if I were picking. But then again, I could easily add 10 more to this list – I love to eat!
What do you normally order at each place? At Golden Dragon, their shrimp with cabbage, at Fratesi’s a ravioli dish and Sonic…. either a burger and tots or a chicken sandwich with tots (Tim always wants to get fries though, so we usually do), and a diet Cherry Limeade.
Where will you absolutely not eat and why? Can’t think of anyplace off the top of my head 🙂

UPDATE – OOooh, I thought of one – I won’t eat one of those big chili dog things at Ward’s any more. I got sick as a dog off one years ago. I think they call them “The Big Un” or something. Tim wanted to eat at Ward’s this past fall, and I really had to suck it up to even go in there. Got something completely different and was so glad it didn’t make me sick. I don’t like that place, yuck.

  1. Sindee Said,

    Hi Stacy!
    Sonic is one of my favorite places to grab a quick burger. I love their sodas and their cream slushes. Have a good afternoon! 🙂

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