Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

Stuff Portrait Fridays

Stuff Portrait Fridays

This week’s assignment from Kristine:

  • Your trashcan
  • Your junk drawer
  • Your trunk
  • Click on the extended entry to see my pics and read more about the junkiness, or lack thereof, for these 😀

    OK, my trashcan is very old and very boring. It’s probably 15 years old, a plastic Rubbermaid. The trash went out last night and I took the picture this morning, so it’s fairly clean.

    Trash Can

    HOWEVER – since last fall when we laid the ceramic tile that is in the kitchen, I have been lusting after this trashcan. This one is from Lowe’s, and there’s a similar one at Target – either one would suffice. But, both the hubby and I have this defective gene that will NOT allow us to spend $100 on a trash can. Sigh. When I get really rich, I’m going to splurge on a trash can! 😀

    OK, back to our regularly scheduled programming. Up next, one of the junk drawers in my kitchen:

    Junk Drawer

    And finally, the trunk. Or in my case, the cargo area of my SUV. I’ve only had this SUV about 7 months, so it’s still really clean back there. Just the umbrella the DH threw over the back seat a while back. Normally, it’s totally clean:


    Happy SPF!

    1. kami Said,

      I love clean cars.

      DO NOT come see my trash can.

    2. Jenie Said,

      I think there’s the perfect mix or organization, but still enough stuff to be called a junk drawer.

      I feel like such a slob! LOL Everyone has such nice, neat organized junk drawers and trunks!

      Happy SPF!

      I played!

    3. Island Girl Said,

      Wow look at the rubberband ball. I remember making one when I was a kid. 🙂
      Happy SPF.

    4. Dawn Said,

      LOL! i bet those are some things you never thought you’d be taking photos of!

    5. Mary Said,

      Love the rubber band ball, and the coveted trash can. I have a thing about trash cans being out in the open in the kitchen (and nowhere to put one), so mine stays under the sink.

    6. mom2mke Said,

      I love your tile. We are hopefully tileing our kitchen & dining room SOON ! Thanks for stopping by ! I like your rubberband ball too !

    7. mmc Said,

      I’m with you on the reluctance to spending the $$ on a trash can. But you know what? You use it every day, multiple times. We could have paid for the one I love several times over using the money we spent on crappy ones that I hated, ones that broke, etc. So. I say go for it, it’s well worth it.
      And your junk drawer is organized too!

    8. southernfriedgirl Said,

      Yeah, I have the same gene that won’t let me spend that sort of $$$ on a trash can. Isn’t it sad the things we lust after now? TRASH CANS. LOLOL

      Happy SPF!!!

    9. The Kept Woman Said,

      Your junk drawer is WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY too organized.

      But I love it. I love the baskets and am particularily jealous of the rather large rubber band ball.

    10. Delaine Said,

      What a clean trunk, I’m soooooo jealous of everyone with a clean trunk. Your drawer is still semi-organized but I love it. All hail the junk~

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