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Posted by Stace

Booking Through Thursday

Booking Through Thursday Meme

Yippee! I found a new meme today, that is right up my alley. I have been reading like a crazy woman lately, and I wish I had found this meme sooner. I would be doing these every Thursday, for sure. I considered going back and doing them all, but decided to just do today’s. Here we go:

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Today’s questions are from Marie, who’s a relatively new blogger. Thank you!

1. Do you finish every book you start, no matter how bad it gets? Why? Normally, I do. I usually only choose books that I think I will really like, or by authors that I normally read. Only recently have I had one that I really struggled with, but the completion-oriented OCD in me forced me to finish it. Even though I didn’t enjoy it at all! 🙂

2. Do you ever sneak-read the ending before you finish the book? If so, what about the book tends to cause you to do so? I flip to the back and see how many pages there are, but I really don’t read anything towards the end. Usually, I’m really good about it. Probably only one book in every few hundred am I tempted to read the ending. It would just sort of ruin it for me, so I never do it. Only if I’m really worried about how it will end, or … I don’t know. I just don’t normally ruin the ending. I enjoy the process of reading a book too much to give it away.

  1. Gail Said,

    1. Usually I will finish it but once in a while I have put one up and just quit on it.
    2. I don’t think I have ever jumped ahead to read the ending! That seems like it would take away the pleasure of reading the book…..if I have done that, I don’t recall it right now.

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