Exceedingly Mundane

tidbits of random nothingness

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Posted by Stace

To blog…

or not to blog, that is the question. 🙂 Well, not really. I’m committed to blogging something each day. It may be a quiz or meme, it may just be a quick thought, or it may be one or more long rambling, verbose, boring posts. You never know.

Today, it’s a rambling blurb about what is and is not going on… click more to read on.

Been staying busy, but not with anything that is really worthy of including in the ole blog. Doing housework, running errands, that kind of thing. I fill what spare time I have with my obsessions – listening to my iPod, reading my books, watching a plethora of shows on TV.

OK, quick break to blab about TV. We had 2 great hours of 24 last night. We taped “7th Heaven” but haven’t watched it yet. I don’t know when we will. We have 5, count em 5, shows on tonight. NCIS, the new show “The Unit” (with Dennis Haysbert, who played President Palmer on 24), Amazing Race and then Idol and House on Fox. Whew, the old VCR is going to get quite a workout this week.

Back to regular scheduled blogging – staying busy with mundane things. Spending time with Tim when I can. We are trying to walk, even though my ankle is still bugging me. Tim and his buddies at work are going to restart their weight-loss club. So, we’ll hopefully be eating better and exercising more.

We have ripped out the vinyl in our bathroom, but not started laying tile. So, we’ve moved into the guest bathroom. Which is fine, until we have company (next weekend). Then it’s going to be crowded!

I’m still procrastinating on doing the taxes. Too many other things I want to be doing! 🙂

My new book that is on the NY Times Bestseller list (“In the Company of the Courtesan”) is different, but good. It’s a slow read though. Not exactly like reading Shakespeare, but it is written in sort of an older verse or tone, and the typeset is smaller, so it tires my eyes out quicker and I read a shorter amount at night before getting really sleepy. So this one is going to take me longer to read. It’s set in 1500’s Italy, so very much a time-specific work and very much historical fiction. Different, but good.

I need to load a few new pictures on to Hambones later. We’ve gotten some cute kid pictures lately from both Wendy and Shanna. Need to add those to our photo gallery on Hambones. I love cute kid pics!

Also on my mind this morning – Dana Reeve passed away last night. It’s been on the news and talk shows all morning. So very very sad. And their poor son, who is 13, is now left to live his life without either parent. She spent so many years caring for her husband and standing by his side, and now in less than a year, she has passed away from lung cancer. Despite the fact that she never smoked. That is very scary to me. Especially considering that my mom smoked all my life and I breathed in second hand smoke for decades. A very scary thing to see Dana Reeve pass away at age 44.

I guess that covers most of what is on my mind right now… exceedingly mundane, as the blog title suggests!

  1. Dawn Said,

    i agree that’s so sad about her passing. and scary. sometimes i wonder how people can smoke for years & years & years and never have more than a slight cough, living to be a ripe old age. and others who barely or never smoked at all suffer such a horrible thing as lung cancer…

  2. Gail Said,

    It saddened me when I read about Dana Reeve early this morning on the internet. Don heard me go “oh no” and asked and he felt same way…..and he commented that he had really admired her for how she handled that whole situation with her husband. I agree, she really stood by him and did so much when it might have been easy to walk away from the marriage.
    That is too sad for their son.

    on a lighter note, the kid pictures Shanna sent are SO very cute! And I’m not biased at all.

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