Exceedingly Mundane

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Posted by Stace

Monday Madness Meme

Monday Madness Meme

Let’s talk about our hobbies… and so I don’t forget, thank you for playing and have a wonderful week! =)

1. How many hobbies do you have? 3 or 4, I guess
2. Name at least one of your hobbies. Reading
3. What do you like about your hobby? I love to read, would spend every minute reading if I could. Love to read about other people, other places, characters that are interesting, funny, sad or meaningful. I love the escapism that reading provides me
4. What keeps you from spending more time on any one of your hobbies? Getting busy with other things, or getting distracted on the computer 🙂
5. Do you have any hobbies that you haven’t taken up yet, but would like to? Not really
6. Have you ever decided to give up a hobby? If so, why? I’m trying to decide whether to continue with scrapbooking. I don’t enjoy doing it as much as I used to (it’s more of a chore, a stress now), but the $$ I’ve invested in it makes me feel guilty about trying to give it up

  1. Dawn Said,

    you could always sell what you have left on Ebay…

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