Exceedingly Mundane

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Archive for the ‘Show Me Yours Meme’ Category

Posted by Stace

Show Me Yours Photo Meme

I did this meme a couple of weeks ago, and then missed last week. This is a relatively new meme hosted by Laura and Jess. There’s a new theme each week and this week’s theme is:

Show Me Your Green Thumb. Soil, water, sunshine, love… that’s what this week’s theme is made of. Outdoors or in, whether it blooms and grows beneath your watchful eye and nurturing touch…. or just plain exists at the bare threshold of greenness…. Show Me!!

I’ve posted many pictures here in the past of flowers blooming in my yard. Unfortunately, by the time late August rolls around, my flowers ain’t looking very splendid! I plant all of the summer annuals in either late April or early May, so by late August and September, they are really past their prime. As are most of the perennials in our yard that bloom in the summer. However, in the last couple of weeks, I did snap a couple of shots that I’ll use here.

My crape myrtles out front are about to fizzle, but a couple of weeks ago, they still looked pretty good (and that’s yellow purslane blooming beneath them):
Crape Myrtle out front blooming

I had some petunias planted in a planter on my deck in the backyard. Most of the petunias are about gone, but in their place, some moss rose have popped up. I didn’t plant them, but they do tend to pop up in other pots that I have growing. I also have a geranium in a pot on the deck and it has moss rose that has sprouted in it as well. Those seeds must travel easily and root easily.
Moss Rose blooming in deck planter

OK, I showed you mine, now I’m off to check out other participants and see their entries. You can check out the other players here. :mrgreen:

Posted by Stace

Weekly Meme: Show Me Yours

I saw this new idea posted over at Laura’s blog, The Noodle Incident. She and Jess are co-hosting this fun new photo meme, called “Show Me Yours, and I’ll Show You Mine”. They’ll have a new theme each week. This week’s theme, according to Jess’s website is:

This week is all about the Dining Room Table. Or your Kitchen table. Or your Breakfast Nook Table. Whatever you call it, whether you eat there every day, or its mostly just a household decoration…. Show Me! We wanna see it! What surface in your pad is meant for eating?? Or what do you do with your table?

So, without further ado, here’s my kitchen table. Yes, I cleaned it off before I took the picture. It had one pile of mail and papers and another of coupons and stuff needing to be filed. No – we do NOT eat at this table. We are total couch potatoes during meals – we eat on the couch, with the TV on, with our feet propped on the coffee table. This table is for show and when people come over to eat who do not deign to eat on the couch with us 🙂

(FYI – for those who don’t know, we don’t have kids, it’s just adults here. If we had kids, we’d have the “eat at the table” rule and also probably the “clean your plate before you get up” rule. Unfortunately, we were unable to have children).

Kitchen Table, in our Breakfast Room

I showed you mine, now go on over to Jess’s website and check out the others who are showing your theirs! 🙂
