Menu Plan – April 7-13, 2019

Hey y’all!  Here’s the tentative plan for the meals next week.  I will head back to the store next Wed or Thursday, after the Kroger ad is released, and the latter part of the week may change.  Hope you get some ideas, we are still keeping it fairly simple here these days!

The plan this week includes:

Sunday – we will be going out to eat with our Sunday School class after church, and having a big buffet meal.  I really try to stay away from “all you can eat” buffet type places, because I have zero will power. Especially on Sundays, since I normally eat a bowl of cereal before church, so I’m always starving!  I imagine we’ll pig out, so we’ll have leftovers or maybe breakfast food for dinner Sunday night

Monday – I’ll try to do something along the lines of what Tim has been asking for (sandwiches and salads).  I bought those FlatOut wraps at Kroger and will either take some frozen grilled chicken strips I got on a big Kroger sale a few weeks back and heat those up, or I may take out raw chicken and season and cook it. I haven’t decided which flavor route I’m going yet!  I will probably make some homemade honey mustard sauce and use that, or we may go the fajita route.  We’ll make wraps and have fruit or a salad. I also hope to boil some pasta and will try to use up some of the jars of opened sauce we have lingering in the fridge. I have part of a jar of Trader Joe’s pesto sauce open, as well as a jar of marinara.

Tuesday – the return of Taco Tuesday!  Originally, I was going to have Tim grill out, since his regular golf course is closed for maintenance on Tuesdays. But once I saw that Kroger had avocados on sale for 69 cents each, I knew we’d have to have Taco Tuesday with homemade guacamole 🙂 I will offer Tim wraps or hard shell tacos, but I’ll probably have a big taco salad. I may do rice or beans, just depends on what he wants.

Wednesday – I’m trying to make one new recipe per week. This week is another new one in the Instant Pot. The problem I have with the IP recipes is that they make SO MUCH for two people 🙂  They are harder to cut down because of the need of using at least 1 cup of thin liquid (water or broth) for the machine to come to pressure. So if I cut things down, then the ratios don’t always work (like for rice and things). This week, I’m going to try a new recipe I have pinned for a Goulash, using mostly pantry items.  It is meat based, so Tim should be happy!

Thursday – Leftover Night

Friday – we are still in Lent, so I hope to have more seafood. I’ve been putting Shrimp Tostados on the menu for the last couple of weeks but we haven’t gotten to it yet. We may not get to it this week, because I saw online that National Grilled Cheese Day is April 12, so we just might have to have Tomato Soup and Grilled Cheese!  I have a can, but I also might make this one in my crockpot 🙂 However, I don’t rule out the possibility of Date Night again, so you just never know!  We both want to have Date Night more often, and I think twice a month is fairly reasonable.  We have 3 or 4 places picked out we want to go to 🙂

Saturday –  Pizza and a Movie 🙂

Hope these menu ideas help!

2 Replies to “Menu Plan – April 7-13, 2019”

  1. Wow, your website has changed since I last looked at it!
    I went out this morning and harvested some young dandelion greens, wild onions, and violets to add to my lunch. As I rinsed and prepared them I had to chuckle and think of how different people’s lifestyles can be. I was picturing Tim working on your lawn and thought, that poor man would have a coronary if he saw my lawn and realized I encourage dandelion growth (lol, let alone pick and eat the greens).

    1. Hi Sue! Thank you so much for stopping by! Well, color me confused, because I haven’t changed a single thing on the website (haven’t had any time to work on it, to be honest), so I am not sure what has changed, LOL! Oh well, still glad you are here! Oh my, I bet all of that was wonderful 🙂 And you are SO right, Tim fights dandelions and sprays them with weed killer, we have a bit of a patch in the back yard that he is tussling with lately, LOL! I hope you are having a fantastic week! Are you cooking lots of beans and greens for your meals?! Have a blessed day —Stacy

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