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Movie - Eight Below

We saw this movie in its opening weekend at our brand new Madison Grandview theater - on the "Grand" Screen. :)

We both really enjoyed it - a typical, feel-good Disney movie. The basic premise is that several scientists are stationed at an Anarctic base, including a team of 8 sled dogs that are used for scientific expeditions. The dogs help rescue one scientist, but then as a storm approaches, the humans are evacuated, but there's not enough room for the canines. Their story of survival, and the humans trying to return to rescue them, comprise the rest of the movie.

The movie has one "jumps right out at ya" moment and a few sad moments, but overall, it ends on a typical Disney note.

Great movie, we highly recommend it, either at the theater or once it comes out on DVD.

Added: February 21st 2006
Reviewer: Stace
Hits: 854


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