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Book - Oceans Apart by Karen Kingsbury

I checked this book out of the library and enjoyed reading it. This was my first time reading a Karen Kingsbury novel. Gail had recommended her to me (she's a Christian author) and recommended that I read "One Tuesday Morning", which is about September 11. My library has this book, but it has been checked out for months. I finally decided to try another Kingsbury book to see if I liked her writing. And I did.

The book was easy to read, but predictable. Predictable in a good way, as I liked the ending. :) She's a Christian author, so there's a lot of references to Scripture and living a Christian lifestyle. This particular book focused on forgiveness and second chances. I can give a more detailed synopsis of the plot, if anyone is interested, but it might give some of it away! It is pretty predictable, but a very well written book, very moving and very heartwarming. Two thumbs up. I intend to check out more of this author's books from my library.

Added: September 15th 2005
Reviewer: Stace
Hits: 1318


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