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Book - Shopaholic Ties the Knot by Sophie Kinsella

This is a new author and new series for me. I had read on one of my scrapbooking boards that these books are written by a fairly witty British girl, who loves to shop. Two things I can't help but be entertained by! I am a true Anglophile, and I admire anyone who loves to shop, so I knew these would be good books for me!

And, it was! I really enjoyed this book. I did read this one, which I believe is her third book in this series, and it does bug me a bit to read them out of order (yes, I know, I'm anal). Still, they aren't dependent on being read in order, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Very light fluffy and quite the enjoyable read.

Quick Synopsis: Becky Bloomwood is a personal shopper at Barney's in New York. She's from Oxshott, Surrey, England and has been living in NY with her boyfriend of two years, Luke Brandon. It starts out pretty early on with Becky attending her best friend Suze's wedding back home in England. And before the day is over, she has an engagement ring of her very own!! It follows her through her wedding day, all the trials and tribulations of a batty bride who is trying to make both her parents and her fiance's snooty mother happy with the wedding plans. It plays out rather hilariously, and has a big-grin ending, so I was very happy with it. It got to the point that I didn't want to put it down, which is always the sign of a great book for me! :)

Added: April 4th 2005
Reviewer: Stace
Related Link: Amazon Listing for this book
Hits: 4001
Language: catala


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