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Books - The Tucker Mills Trilogy by Lori Wick

My mother-in-law Linda bought these books in the summer of 2006 and loaned all three of them to me to read. The books are "Moonlight on the Millpond", "Just Above a Whisper", and "Leave a Candle Burning". I read all three in order, and in a very short amount of time. They were light, quick reads by a good Christian author.

All three books are set in the 1830's in Tucker Mills Massachusetts. They follow a certain pattern, and each book builds on the last, and includes characters from the previous books (townspeople, the doctor, the pastor, the shop owner, the bankers, etc). Each book centers on a pair that meet and eventually fall in love. Many characters are struggling with their salvation and issues of prayer and trust in the Lord. They are quaint, charming and well written books, and very heartwarming.

I thorougly enjoyed these little books and highly recommend them. If you enjoy Christian fiction, you will love these books. I rate them a 9 out of 10.

Added: August 28th 2006
Reviewer: Stace
Hits: 1904


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