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DVD - Memoirs of a Geisha

We rented this movie in July 2006, right after I had finished reading the book. This was my pick (Tim picked Underworld:Evolution, which I didn't watch, so don't expect a review for that one!) and Tim at first said he was going to read his football magazine and not watch it. But, then after it started, he decided to join me and watch the movie.

It was a gorgeous movie, very appealing to the eye and sweeping in story. I had just finished the book so I knew the plot, and I think that I would have had a bit of trouble following everything if I had not read the book and knew the characters and plot. They left some things out, but that's par for the course. Books are always more involved, rich in detail, and there's always something they have to leave out to make it into a movie. But, I thought it was a good adaptation, true to the book and story.

I didn't enjoy it quite as much as I had hoped. Maybe that was my fault, that I watched it too soon after reading the book or that my expectations were too high. I did like it, but I didn't just LOVE it, and I think I was expecting to love it. Mr Tim, as anticipated, didn't just love it either. He tolerates me and my girl movies though, which is more than I can say for his. I skip a lot of his DVD watching!

I rate this a 7 out of 10 stars. I was hoping for an 8 or 9, so maybe that's just me expecting too much. It's a good rental, I'm really glad I got it and I did enjoy it. :)

Added: July 31st 2006
Reviewer: Stace
Hits: 1424


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