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DVD - Walk the Line

I looked for a review posted on this, because I was sure Gail had posted one, but I couldn't find it. She saw it at the theater when it came out, but we waited till it was out on DVD a long time before finally watching it.

We borrowed this movie on DVD from Tim's mom (thanks Linda!) and watched it in July 2006. I can see why the actors were nominated for Oscars and why Reese Witherspoon won. They gave great performances.

However, I am not a Johnny Cash fan and wasn't all that interested in his life. I had hoped for a better plot, but it was based on his life, so I'm sure it was a true story. But - I don't like movies about drugs, people who take drugs and get addicted, or people that commit adultery. So, there were plenty aspects of this movie that I didn't like. I know lots of people love it, but we really didn't like it that much. Just our 2 cents.

I rate this a 5 out of 10 stars. We were glad we borrowed it and didn't pay money to rent it!

Added: July 31st 2006
Reviewer: Stace
Hits: 1163


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DVD - Walk the Line
Posted by Gail on 2006-07-31 21:20:28
My Score:

Yes, I saw this one at the theater when it came out, last winter I think. We really liked it....I have never been a huge Johnny Cash fan before but I thought it was very interesting to see some of his life and story. It was sort of along the same line as the movie "Ray" that we had watched, in that they are all tempted and don't seem to be able to get out of some of tha lifestyle of drinking, drugs etc. The difference in this one I thought was that Johnny Cash changed his ways after meeting or marrying June Carter.....Ray Charles was a womanizer his whole life (they had some blurb at the end of that movie about how many children he had fathered, and they weren't all with his wife) I really liked Walk the Line a lot. I thought Joaquin Phoenix and Reese Witherspoon were outstanding & in their vocal performances as well..........neither played or sang before this and had to learn it for the movie. Walk the Line is one that I really liked.

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