

I’m back, I think, after a short break……although I still have loads of stuff I need to be doing around here instead of being on the computer. Stacy and Tim were kind enough to upgrade wordpress for me after doing Stacy’s and I think it’s going to take a bit more for me to learn some new things. I’m also trying out a couple of new fall designs to use temporarily, then maybe I’ll land on something more permanent!
We went to Sam’s birthday party over the weekend, how can he be ONE already! It doesn’t seem that long ago that I was driving to North Carolina for his birth; so many things have changed for them this past year including moving back to Mississippi. I like the almost 2 hour drive so much better than the 11 hour one! I’ll put some of the shots from the party on the extended page, click through for kid pictures if you like!

It had been about a month since I’d seen him and he seemed to change so much; mostly I think because he’s walking now. Stacy took this picture and I’m glad she got one of him walking around.

The birthday boy with his mama, my daughter Kathryn

Sam didn’t seem quite as interested in opening presents as his sister and cousins did! He’s off to the side and not quite sure what to think

He did seem to enjoy the cake once he got his fingers in it!

But it seemed like it was just as much fun to get the grownups to eat it off your fingers!

Stacy also took this one for me

We saw some of our other kids this weekend, had dinner a couple of nights with them and just enjoyed hanging out at Stacy and Tim’s house. A fun weekend and fun to get away for a bit!

they say it’s your birthday, we’re gonna have a good time

7 Responses to ““They say it’s your birthday””

  1. Nancy Carson Says:

    Sam has really grown and is just precious! I remember one year ago when you were in NC, right after my twin grandnieces were born in Charlotte. We compared notes. I’m glad your family is closer to you now, that is a blessing indeed!

  2. Debi Says:

    Whew…that was one quick year!

    Sam is just as adorable as they come! What a truly great gift it is to have them so close now!

  3. Nancy Carson Says:

    Gail~ Thanks for the email. I’m sorry to hear the house hasn’t sold. The market isn’t very good in NC. There is also a problem getting gas. Many stations run out… they say it’s because of the hurricane in the Gulf but for some reason that doesn’t make sense especially now that I’m in Michigan visiting and they don’t have a problem at all.

    I’m glad to see Kathryn so happy with Sam. I wish my Katherine would have a baby… she has only been married a year- I will try to be patient!

  4. Lynne Says:

    I can’t believe Sam is a year old already! He’s adorable – cute picture of the two of you. He’s a big boy.

  5. Stacy Says:

    Good pictures (even the ones I took, hehehe!) and we had a good time too. He actually did really good for a one year old, I thought, both with his presents and cake and his cousins/sister. I bet he was tired that night though 🙂 It is hard to believe he’s one already, but we’re looking forward to getting to see him more. We still haven’t seen Henry yet!

  6. annie Says:

    Seems like yesterday you were working on maternity clothes!

  7. Karen Says:

    I love the pictures! He looks like quite the little man strutting about in the first one. And love the one with his Grandma:) I remember when you were waiting for him to be born, and here he is one already. It’s nice to know that we’ve been “friends” that long!

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