I was working on cleaning out a box in the attic this past week and found an old handprint that one of the kids made when they were small, and did it bring back memories! I think I know which one made this particular one but I think at some point they all 4 did one in school, Bible school, Sunday school etc. Such a cute little hand! Sometimes they made handprints in places they weren’t supposed to; on walls, the table, etc. Sometimes they would trace their hand on anything and everything that was available; I think every child must do this at some point. This particular one must have been made from some kind of dough or clay type material and it isn’t in as good a shape as I would like it to be. Anyone is welcome to take a guess as to which child it belongs to……
I was reminded of a song I have loved in the past: here is part of it
Is this the little girl I carried?
Is this the little boy at play?
Wasn’t it yesterday when they were still small?
I don’t remember growing older
When did they?
I am way too sentimental at times but at least you were spared from my singing, just got the written version! And, I don’t remember where the time has gone because it does only seem like a short time ago that they were small and here and underfoot; it was hectic but great. I miss those days sometimes. And I don’t think I did get old, how is it that they got older!
Here is the picture and you tell me which child it belongs to!
March 6th, 2006 at 9:27 am
I guess I have a 25% chance of getting this correct! I will guess Trent, based on the discoloring, but it really could be any of them 🙂
March 6th, 2006 at 10:15 am
You are probably the only one who will guess! But I’ll give it a day or so more and see if anyone else wants to take a shot at it.
March 6th, 2006 at 11:54 am
March 6th, 2006 at 3:22 pm
My guess is Trent since Mothers’ only save things from the first born child….are you guilty of that, Gail?
March 6th, 2006 at 4:39 pm
Elizabeth may be right, I went with Trent because of the discoloration, but it could easily be David. It does look more like a boy hand, from what I could see in the picture. Of course, now I say that and it will be either Kat or Liz 😀
March 6th, 2006 at 7:39 pm
Does a little boy and little girl hand look different! That would be hard for me to tell I think but maybe I need to compare myself and see if there is a difference.
March 7th, 2006 at 2:11 pm
so, where’s the answer.