I wasn’t happy with that picture that I posted this morning, of the big stack of books. I’ve been using Gimp on my desktop to size pictures, Stacy brought a disc and installed it a few years ago. Now I also have this laptop I’m using and I like the way it transfers pictures way better than the desktop but there’s no gimp on the laptop! It did come with hp photosmart and it will resize pics but I don’t think they come out good that way, they always seem blurry to me. So I emailed the picture to my desktop to resize with the program I’m accustomed to using. Plus, Lynne asked if I’d post the titles, so I’m trying a 2nd time to get the picture right!
Not pictured is the book I bought at Lifeway, The Secret Life of Becky Miller by Sharon Hinck.
Pictured are these: Murder on a Girl’s Night Out by Anne George, With this Ring I’m Confused, She’s Out of Control & What a Girl Wants by Kristin Billerbeck; Mystic Lake by Kristin Hannah; Back Home Again, Recipes & Wooden Spoons, Hidden History and Ready to Wed, all part of Tales from the Grace Chapel Inn; Light on Snow by Anita Shreve; Hollywood Nobody by Lisa Samson; At First Sight, Nicholas Sparks and a John Grisham book, The Partner.
You still probably can’t read the titles on this one I sized using my old program, but to me it looks better! And that counts doesn’t it!
“love is lovelier, the second time around“
February 25th, 2008 at 7:18 pm
I see the difference! very nice! 🙂
I’ve read a couple of these titles…it sure looks like you have some good reading ahead of you!
February 25th, 2008 at 7:27 pm
Thanks for posting the titles. Looks like you got a bunch of good books! I’ve read LIGHT ON SNOW – it’s one of the few Anita Shreve books I liked.
February 26th, 2008 at 9:02 am
Ooooooo…new books to read! That’s the best!
February 26th, 2008 at 10:26 am
Your going to love the Kristen Billerbeck books. My daughter and I read those while she was still single. She didn’t think there was any good Christian fiction out there. She admitted she was way wrong after reading these books.
Enjoy! There’s nothing better than reading good books!
February 26th, 2008 at 10:28 am
I think you can get a free download for gimp on the internet. Just google free GIMP download. There is a version for MAC and a PC version.
February 26th, 2008 at 10:53 am
You can easily download GIMP and install it on your laptop. Come back and visit me and I’ll put that on for you. But it’s easy, you can do it 🙂
I think you’ll enjoy all of those books. I know I did! Let me know when you start finishing some of them so we can talk about them. Hurry, before I forget them all, hehehe 🙂
February 26th, 2008 at 2:19 pm
I dont read alot but it looks as if you have your hands full.