I get lots of Christmas cards each year, and I absolutely LOVE the photo ones! I hang them up on the doorways in my den where we can look at them and I usually leave them up into January because I keep getting cards for several weeks after Christmas….I even got one last week! I think it must technically be a Valentine though, they might have had hearts on it somewhere. This year I was having several functions at my house so I left them up through those; everyone commented how much they liked seeing the cards. And I left them up so I could hear the kids fuss about them when they came to see me for my birthday; I knew they’d have comments and they did NOT disappoint!
But my question is……
what do you do with yours after Christmas? If you get the photo ones…. do you throw them away, stick in a drawer, put them up in some organized way? Mine are coming down and I probably have lots stuck away some where. Now I’m trying to decide what to do with them! If someone sends me a picture of their family, I sort of like to keep it… but after quite a few years it gets to be a lot. Just curious to know what any of you might do with yours, looking for new ideas or to know that everyone tosses them!
Didn’t really get a good shot of the doorways….. probably because you could see my junk all over the kitchen table in the back! Lovely, I know, and the way it looks many days.
February 21st, 2008 at 10:17 am
I have a pretty box/trunk for the special ones and picture cards I keep. I don’t know why, I just can’t throw away pictures! I have a friend who puts them on her dining room table and prays for a family a day and then tosses or puts them away. I like that idea.
February 21st, 2008 at 10:28 am
Photo album with slots for panoramic photos! I cannot throw away a photo of someone I love. =) As for regular cards though, I save those that are special to me & the rest I toss. My Gram used to make gift tags out of hers for the following Christmas’s gifts!
February 21st, 2008 at 11:18 am
I think you kitchen is beautiful. I love the shutters on the windows.
I keep every picture that someone sends me at Christmas. Like you, I feel that is someone goes to the trouble to send me a picture I will keep it.
So … I put them in my scrapbook along with our pictures of our Christmas celebration. I just do one or maybe a two page spread if needed, of all the pictures. It is fun to have them to compare to year to year.
February 21st, 2008 at 11:25 am
I’ve piled ours away for years, but finally decided to do a Christmas scrapbook, having only Christmas photos in it, so I can easily cut down the family photo cards that come, and put them in with the rest of our Christmas photos. Both my daughters are minimalists so they would likely toss them. I’ve heard of one family who puts them in a basket and every few nights pulls one out to pray over at dinner, or even to send an encouraging card at some time during the year.
February 21st, 2008 at 2:48 pm
(1) Take them down. You have left them up long enough.
(2) Chunk them. You complain about the junk we’ve accumulated over the years and are always getting me to go through things so don’t keep them. There are WAY to many to keep. Keep a few from the extended family if you want…but ditch the rest. No need to have piles of cards lying around in drawers.
–I do like seeing them, but it’s time to take them down. 🙂
February 21st, 2008 at 3:17 pm
I use to keep every card I got. Now I will keep the pictures that are sent or if it’s a card that is a picture I cut the picture out and put it in a scrapbook.
February 21st, 2008 at 4:58 pm
I do what Becky does. Each year I do a few pages of our family Christmas celebration in our photo album. I reserve a 2-page spread for a collage of all the photo cards I receive (I cut out the picture parts so they’ll all fit.) It’s fun to see how the kids have grown from year to year.
February 21st, 2008 at 6:48 pm
Fun! We line ours up on the bar in the kitchen. I save my photo ones and if I can cut them down to fit my photo album, I’ll put them there. Otherwise, it’s a photo storage box.
(I see my card up there!!)
February 21st, 2008 at 7:45 pm
Good question! Mine are in a photo storage box. Right now, I still have cards in there with the photo cards. Those boxes need cleaning out and purging. My best intentions are to do scrapbook pages of the photo cards I want to keep, but I seriously doubt if that is going to happy. My desire to scrapbook and the reality of me actually doing it are diametrically opposed to one another 🙂
February 22nd, 2008 at 8:48 am
Do something with them?!?! You mean besides stick them in a box?!?! I ahve good intenetions of making a little scrapbook album of Christmas card photos, but somehow it just never gets done.
February 25th, 2008 at 5:57 am
I have a special scrapbook album (actually, I think I’m up to the third now) just for those Christmas photo cards and other pics that people send us throughout the year. I’m actually 2 years behind getting them scrapbooked at this point though…
As for the other cards, I generally use a big square punch and turn them into gift tags.
And by the way…I wish my kitchen table looked like yours! Mine is always a disaster as that’s where we “do school” as well as everything else.
February 26th, 2008 at 2:24 pm
We have a Christmas Card box and I keep them in there….yes after years it adds up….so I go through some of the cards…I never throw pictures away though. I like looking back at the families after years gone by.
I did see on someones web site to take old Christmas cards and make name tags for your presents with them…I thought that was a good recycle way to not just throw them away.
February 29th, 2008 at 11:54 am
I do this too. I love to see all of the cards and pictures and others who visit us love to look at them too. After the holidays, I scrapbook or store the photos and I recycle the card fronts to make other things with. I keep cards that are really special to me…like the ones I get from my 84 yo grandma.