

I’ll have a short week again cooking, a good thing I guess! But will try to have a plan for the part of the week that I am cooking. Hubby had to work out of town a few days last week so some of my meals didn’t happen and I’ll try again to have them this week! Not sure how the week will progress.
Happy Monday! Be sure to visit Laura for everyone else’s menus and recipe ideas.

Mon/Tuesday……..eating with family
Wednesday……….salmon & veggies
Thursday………….Easy Vegetable Rice Stew

I still reserve the right to change my mind later after shopping, something else might strike my fancy!

9 Responses to “Menu Plan Monday”

  1. Debi Says:

    Well, hooray for short weeks, right?!!
    Sounds good! And have fun with your family!

  2. annie Says:

    Hi Gail!
    I never really post my weekend menus because of what you said, sometimes you just want to wing it. Maybe when I grow up I’ll plan all 7 days :o)

  3. Bridget Says:

    I love salmon!! Yummy week!

  4. Stacy Says:

    Yep, this looks a lot like last week’s! 🙂 Hope you get the stew made, let me know how it is.

    Have a good week!

  5. kreed Says:

    It is so nice to have the weeks menu planned – I am jealous! Also nice to be eating with family and not have to cook – enjoy!

  6. Carrie Says:

    Yummy! Quesadillas sound so good!

  7. sherry Says:

    At least your week is planned! I’m flying by the seat of my pants!


  8. Coach J Says:

    why, of course, you do! Hope you eat well this week…and something good strikes your fancy!

  9. Judi Says:

    Did you ever try my mixed veggies? I hope you are having a good week!

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