

I saw this over at Vader’s mom (aka Stacy) and thought it looked like something fun to do so I swiped it from her! My fridge is not all neat and pretty but I’m showing it anyway. There are some pictures, notepads and reminder notices for dentist, etc.

Maybe the most interesting or fun thing on there is the old piece of paper you see on the bottom right of the picture. It is faded and torn now and has been there for quite a few years. It was hand written by my daughter, #2 child when she was in her teens. She was just a little bit headstrong, I think she mostly put it on my fridge as a joke for me but it was just too good to pull down, even after all this time. I probably should have framed it a long time ago to give back to her eventually, like when her daughter is a teenager! Here’s a close up of it:

So, what’s on your fridge? Inquiring minds want to know!

10 Responses to “What’s On Your Fridge”

  1. Stacy Says:

    Hey, I did this today too! I didn’t know you visited Stacy’s blog 🙂 This is also my photo today for my Project365. Cool, great minds think alike!

    I’ve seen your fridge a thousand times and I don’t ever remember that sheet of paper that K wrote. Weird. I remember a great picture of D and the butterfly, where did that one go? You should definitely send that yellow paper to K when Katelyn gets older, hehehe!

  2. Gail Says:

    I’ve forgotten about that butterfly pic! I rotate stuff from time to time…I can’t believe you have never seen that paper that Kat put up! It has been there forever!

  3. Vader's Mom Says:

    I love that sign! Too funny. Thanks for playing along 🙂

  4. Lynne Says:


    You really need to frame that paper! Priceless! You have the same Christmas card picture on your fridge as Stacy does!

  5. Susanne Says:

    The sign is great! I might have to make one of my own for my fridge! ;v)

  6. violetlady Says:

    I have a picture that my daughter drew for me when she was about 6 years old. She had it framed for me a few years ago and it is one of my treasures.

    The question is also: what is not only on your refrigerator, but IN it. Do we want to know?

  7. pamela Says:

    Oh Gail, that is a riot! Don’t your just love it! Just priceless, and you have taken such good care of it! lol You’ve got some cute pictures on that frig of yours too, reflective of a very happy family! 🙂

  8. Dawn P Says:

    omg the sign is a hoot! love the pic of your fridge 🙂

  9. Judi Says:

    love the paper your daughter did. i got a laugh!

  10. Tammy Says:

    Oh, that’s perfect! I love it! 🙂

    My fridge is so overdone in drawings, pictures, ect right now. But I have to keep putting up those incredible works of art they create on a regular basis! 🙂

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