

I’m in Charlotte and having a good time! We had a fun birthday party and time to visit and play. Kathryn and I might run errands and shop a bit today but unfortunately I’ll be limited in what I can buy, it has to fit on the plane if I bring it home. Don flew home Sunday so he could teach a class at church. Tomorrow I’ll be home and back into a routine, I hope! Maybe I’ll get to post a few pictures later.
We were so excited about the Saints game this weekend! What a great game, looking forward to the next one. Hope you all had a good weekend and hope your Monday is a good one.

7 Responses to “Wish You Were Here!”

  1. Dawn Says:

    i’m still rooting for the Saints all the way — unless by some miracle my Patriots manage to win & get to the Super Bowl. then i have to go with my true allegiance of course. (don’t tell, but… if it’s somehow the Saints & the Patriots & the Saints win, i won’t be too upset!)

  2. Stacy Says:

    Glad you guys are having fun. Have fun shopping with Kathryn and Katelyn! You can always ship stuff home if you buy a lot, if it won’t fit on the plane, hehehe!

    OK, it’s good that you’re watching the Saints, but fess up – isn’t that the FIRST Saints game you’ve watched all year?! 🙂

  3. Gail Says:

    Stacy, yes, sad but true….this might have been the first game I’ve seen this year! Which goes to show I’m not as much of a football fan as Dawn and you! I’ve seen bits and pieces of games and read about them in the paper but this was the most I had seen of them. But what a game to watch!

  4. jen Says:

    Hope you are having a great stay.

  5. Suzanne Says:

    Who are the Saints?
    And who will they be playing next ?

  6. Eden Says:

    Have a great holiday!

  7. Nancy Carson Says:

    I hope you had fun in NC. The weather turned cold and icy today… glad you got out before this mess. Thanks for stopping by Daily Blessings.

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