Sister Stacy tagged me for this meme; a little more difficult for me to do these where I have to come up with something personal. I figured Stacy didn’t want to know any more about me than she already does! (or anyone else) But here’s a stab at this one.
1. As a child, what did you always say you wanted to be when you grew up? As a child, I don’t honestly think I ever really thought about it or said that there was something I wanted to do; not that I recall anyway! When I was a young teenager I would dream about being on Broadway or singing or something like that….when I was in college I wanted to get married and have a family. That one I’ve done and am still doing I guess!
2. If you had to choose one thing that you’ve always dreamed of doing, what would it be? What is stopping you? I guess I’d be a backup singer for someone! Or be in something on stage. What is stopping me? The obvious! No talent when it comes to those kinds of things, it’s just a dream! I’m too old to do it now and then there’s always the shyness fear thing; I would never be able to put myself in front of people to do something, much less a ton of people.
3. Who is your biggest fan? I would hope it would be Don and my kids; the kids haven’t quite gotten there yet and I don’t really have any fans.
4. What bible study or book (besides the obvious-the Bible) has most impacted your life to date? All of the Beth Moore bible studies that I’ve done with my women’s group have just been wonderful; I think we’ve done most of them and it’s hard to pick one. “A Woman’s Heart” was special because it was the first one we did; I loved “Believing God” also and this last one, “Daniel” was meaningful for the times we live in today.
5. When are you the happiest? When my relationship with the Lord is on track. When I’m with my family or friends having a good time. When I’m reading in a cozy spot and maybe a flavored coffee to go with that. When things at home are organized. Being able to stay home, that has been a blessing.
Today I’ll not tag anyone specific, because I’m running out of people to tag! And because I’m not being able to get to some people’s blogs that are on blogger, so some people might be having blogger trouble today!
But I would love for any of you (1 or 2) that read this to play along! Post it on your blog and be sure to let me know so I can read your answers or post it in my comments.
January 9th, 2007 at 12:12 pm
Ooh, you did a really great job with this one! I know what you mean about the ones you have to work a little harder at. This one was that way for me. I tend to like the easy, no-brainer or fluff memes better, but these are good sometimes to make you dig a little deeper 🙂
By, the way, you can count me among your fans! I definitely think Don is president of your fan club, but I also think your kids are in there too; they just aren’t grown up enough yet to understand what a terrific mom they have. I think T and K are starting to get it, now that they have kids. Actually, K is probably one of your biggest fans, she strives to be just like you, a great wife and mother. 🙂
P.S. I know who you want to be a backup singer for, nana nana na na!
January 9th, 2007 at 5:47 pm
Beth Moore studies are really good. I enjoyed her “Breaking Free” study. My hubby and I actually went through that one together.
January 10th, 2007 at 6:09 pm
amen to the back up singer, except I want to be lead singer !!