I can see so much better since switching to these babies:
I started wearing monovision contacts a few years ago because I was sick of keeping up with glasses & Acuvue was what I used. Even though I loved having the contacts, I could always feel it in my eye and it bothered me from time to time. This past winter, my eye dr. switched to Acuvue Hydraclear because it was supposed to be so much better. They always felt blurry to me, like I had to blink all the time to clear it or keep rubbing my eyes. I had another appointment a couple of months ago and finally asked if there was something else I could try & they told me to try these O2 Optix & see what I thought….they’ve had a ton of complaints with the hydraclear ones. So I got a pair of the new ones, and WAIT, you aren’t supposed to feel the contact in your eye! I am amazed that wearing contacts could be like that! I had friends tell me that they never knew they were wearing contacts but mine has never felt like that til now! I hated it took so long to switch to something else but it is really nice now that I can’t even feel it!
I Can See Clearly Now! (oh yeah, do you know the song?)
July 18th, 2006 at 11:12 am
I’m due to a check up so I’ll have to ask my dr about tyring these. The thought of not feeling them…cool:)
July 18th, 2006 at 11:25 am
I hope I never have to wear contacts, but based on our parents, then Suzanne, and now your eyes, I think I’m on a sinking ship. Maybe I can just get away with wearing glasses and being a nerd. I do not want to stick anything in my eye. I am not sure I can ever do that. Glad you found some that are not fuzzy or bothering you. One of those aha moments where you go “you mean, I can wear it and NOT FEEL IT IN THERE?!”
By the way, I love all the song titles – great new theme you have going on. Gonna name your blog something from a song title or lyric? Maybe you should have a poll for naming it! 🙂
July 18th, 2006 at 5:24 pm
How about:
“One poke over the line, sweet Jesus, one poke over the line”…………..like that one?
July 20th, 2006 at 8:31 am
I had used CIBA for years. I have astigmatism so I am limited to what I can wear. This last eye dr said CIBA was not “up to par” and I should change to Acuvue. I HATE THEM. They burn when they go into my eyes. They rip so easy and I can feel them and no, you aren’t suppose to feel them. I think my eye dr got a kick back from making me take the Acuvue.
Wonder if the Optix can work for astigmatism? Anyway, I feel your pain about Acuvue!!
July 20th, 2006 at 5:20 pm
I am singing that song now, thanks!
I never have been brave enough for contacts. I need glasses for distance, and hardly ever wear them anymore, even though I should.