

In three years of sometimes sporadic blogging I’ve never really had anyone visit my blog by doing some random or odd google search. There’s been just a handful of people that have found me by googling “gail”……nothing unusual there since that would be my name. But a couple of weeks ago I noticed that there had been some different searches that led people here; and may I just say that whatever it is you’re looking for, you still probably won’t find it here!

Here’s a few of my favorite ones:

1. toothbrush song by gail….I SO wish I had written a song but maybe not about toothbrushes!
2. sonic sweetheart blast recipe….please share that recipe because I’d like to have it
3. a math song for greater than…..I do NOT do math and don’t even want to think about it
4. sewing cowboy dress up….Git along little dogies!
5. dexpak directions….because I must play a doctor on tv
6. superman sunday school lessons…….THAT should be a fun class!
7. what high school did erynn mangum go to…..well I believe I can guarantee it wasn’t in Mississippi!
8. can drinking more water help with giant papillary conjunctivitis…..my tv dr gig didn’t teach me this either but I’m curious to know if that works
9. a song to memorize the bones in the body…..Oh my goodness, I would like to hear that song!
10. he wrote me a letter……I got that about 2 dozen times last week during Idol so it must have been something sung on the show. Maybe I should rethink using songs? (nah, I’m probably “In too deep”)

Nope, I still don’t think you’ve found what you’re looking for here at my place; but it was good for a few laughs for me!

10 Responses to ““Still haven’t found what I’m looking for””

  1. Tammy Says:

    Too funny!
    I not long ago disabled the google search linking to my blog but it makes me wonder what people use to google! 🙂

  2. annie Says:

    Those are funny! I am always amazed at what searches bring people to my blog.

  3. Nancy Carson Says:

    Gail, you are just too funny! I’m not sure how I found your blog… way back when, but I’m sure it wasn’t a google search. I do google a lot. I’m amazed at how smart it can be and I’ve learned a lot of STUFF but I’ve never met a fellow blogger that way! Hey, there’s a new idea…nope I can’t add any more blogs too my blogroll. Thanks for putting a smile on my face today…that is a blessing indeed!

  4. Robin Says:

    That’s funny Gail! My most common search is for “grandma names”.

  5. Stacy Says:

    Too funny! I never look at searches and stuff. Not even sure I know how! You’ll have to teach me! 🙂

  6. jen Says:

    Too funny. I think I found you through Stacy. Or vice versa…I dont know how to google people. It confuses me. But I like these answers they made me chuckle…and if you get that strawberry recipe do share.

  7. Lauren@Baseballs&Bows Says:

    So funny! I have seen people mention search phrases before, but I’ve never had any fun ones. I’ll have to keep watching!

  8. becky Says:

    Oh, Gail this is so funny. Another friend of mine did this just this week and I laughed at hers too.

    I love your new look by the way. I sometimes just read in Google Reader and don’t see all the changes on someone’s blog. This is very nice … clean and easy to negotiate.

  9. becky Says:

    That is weird, your comments would not let me go longer. I was going to say, about your comment on my blog regarding my dining table turned wonky. I did that about 4 years ago to accomodate a group of women doing crafts in there, and I liked it. It allows us free roam through the room, around the table, and if I am serving anyone, without having them scoot their chairs. Our DR is not large, and it works well for us. I think it looks kinda neat. Try it for a month. No loss.

  10. Sonya Says:

    LOL! Gail, you are sooo funny! I laugh every time I read your blog!

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