

I hope everyone had a good weekend and not too much trouble from the storms that passed through part of the South. We gave a dinner party and shower for another engaged couple Saturday night so of course it rained! It seems to rain every time we give a party; most of the really bad […]

Filled Under: Food & Cooking



I was tagged by Debi to show a picture of my desk! It won’t look as nice as y’all’s real desks but it is what I’ve been using the last couple of years. The pictured desk always belonged to hubby in the past. But when it got to where I was using the computer so […]

Filled Under: General



That’s what little girls are made of. And pictures of 2 cute little girls.

Filled Under: Family



We had Strawberry Trifle for dessert this past Easter Sunday! It got gobbled up pretty quick by the crew that was here with just a bit for leftover that night. I’m sure all of you have made something like this before; it’s nothing new and certainly not very gourmet but I did use something just […]

Filled Under: Food & Cooking



Here in Mississippi the azaleas have been blooming the last couple of weeks. I don’t have any in my yard and for some reason have never really had a desire to have them. But I do think they are pretty when in full bloom. I mostly see pink ones, although there is a darker almost […]

Filled Under: General



Guess this goes against being a Southern girl but I have never really liked iced tea all that much! 😳 I don’t think I ever drank it much growing up, not that I recall anyway. When I got married I began to drink hot tea and have especially enjoyed it that way for years. Water […]

Filled Under: Food & Cooking



We enjoyed a nice long weekend with 2 of our 4 kids being able to come home for Easter break. College daughter Elizabeth got in Thursday afternoon, as did her boyfriend Chris. College son David came in on Friday, with a mountain and a half of laundry! It’s got to be a crime to have […]

Filled Under: Family



I hope that everyone had a wonderful Easter weekend. We had a very blessed time at church and fun time seeing some of our kids and family. I always forget how much I have to cook when there are more people here! Kinda tired of cooking but hubby might still want to eat, silly boy……… […]

Filled Under: Food & Cooking



I was doing pretty good this week………until this came to my kitchen table! Even though they are in college they still like Easter candy and of course I was happy to provide. I find it impossible not to eat! Maybe the kids will eat it all up before they leave because I certainly don’t need […]

Filled Under: For Fun



Oh my goodness, discovered yesterday that sister Stacy had given me the “Thinking Blogger Award” that is passing around the little bloggy world! Me? I don’t know if she thought that one through because I don’t really write anything to make you think, other than about recipes, shoes, movies, sewing, Easter wreaths, etc. and maybe […]

Filled Under: General



We had a Sunday school lesson last week that was particularly good I thought and I’ve been pondering on it ever since. The teacher (hubs) asked if we’d ever heard anyone say that they felt like their prayers weren’t going any higher than the ceiling…..in other words, we feel like God isn’t answering us or […]

Filled Under: Faith



Because Judi so kindly asked to see the shoes I bought on Saturday, I’ve got a picture for you. She apparently LOVES shoes (she’s a cute pie too)! These are not sassy or cute I’m afraid, just maybe totally practical. And I’m hoping they’ll be comfy! It would be so much more fun if they […]

Filled Under: For Fun



This week might be a little hectic for me—got lots of cleaning to do before some of the kids come in for their break. They are likely to bring loads of laundry, stay up way past my bedtime, and want “good” food as one of them told me! She just wasn’t very specific in what […]

Filled Under: Food & Cooking