

Our oldest son Trent has lived in Houston for about 2 years now with his sweet wife and 2 little ones. In that time he’s had his car stolen from work, in which the police told him it was across the border and wouldn’t be found! But they did find it, declared it a total […]

Filled Under: Family



Monday……..going to our friend’s house to watch 24! They’re cooking, I’m bringing salad Tuesday…….grilled salmon & veggies, salad Wednesday…church supper Thursday……Meat loaf, green veggies, corn on cob Friday……….Chicken, not sure what else because I’m also cooking for a big family whose dad just had quadruple bypass surgery. weekend……tbd later! I did pretty good last week […]

Filled Under: Food & Cooking



Last month I participated in a contest over at Amy’s and won a little book out of the deal! She told me it would be a Lori Wick book and I was excited about that since I’ve read several Wick books before. I got it in the mail recently and I’m looking forward to reading, […]

Filled Under: Books



Or rather, your BAG! I’ve been tagged by the lovely Kim for this, “Show me your handbag tag“. She has a really cute backpack that she’s using right now if you want to check hers out. I have several handbags/purses and will rotate them around depending on what I’m carrying or how I feel that […]

Filled Under: General



We interrupt your regular programming… Here’s my confession: I am a huge reality show junkie! Been watching lots of them from the very beginning but have to say that this year I’m becoming increasingly tired of them and wish they would all go off the air. I’m probably not smart enough to just quit! Or […]

Filled Under: For Fun, TV



Yesterday I decided to rearrange my outside freezer so I’d have a better idea of what I had stored in there. I didn’t end up throwing anything out but stacked things better and moved some stuff around. And found some things that I had totally forgotten about! Something good, like a chocolate chip pound cake! […]

Filled Under: For Fun



On Saturday I went to an out of town wedding with my hubby and several couple friends. The bride is a high school friend of one of my daughters and her parents are some of our church friends. Six of us piled in my suburban and the other couple had to leave a bit later […]

Filled Under: Friends, Travel



Monday………Baked fish, smashed potatoes, broccoli Tuesday……..Lemon pepper pork tenderloin, roasted sweet potatoes, green beans Wednesday….church supper Thursday……Chicken pot pie, corn on cob, salad Friday………..leftovers, because I don’t think we can eat all this food without having leftovers! I’m trying once again to whittle down some of the food I have put up in my freezer, […]

Filled Under: Food & Cooking



I’ve been using my good silver Fossil watch for when I walk or exercise. Over the last year or so I would sporadically get a rash on my left arm right about where my watch was. I finally had Don look at it and we decided that the finish on the back side of the […]

Filled Under: For Fun



I got tagged by Mandalyn for this wedding meme that is going around. This kind of meme is hard for me because it’s a lot of questions and some of them I really don’t have an answer for and some I may not remember! So instead of doing the question thing I’ll write just a […]



Busy day today and I saw this at Debi’s place early this morning and it has taken me most of the morning to get around to it! It looked quick and easy and that’s what I’m going for today. Oh, and play along with us! 1. What are you currently reading? I just started 204 […]

Filled Under: Books



Do you have a lot of light bulbs in your house? I went around and counted 44 fixtures or lamps in our house that use regular light bulbs…..I did NOT count fluorescent bulbs, outside lights, chandeliers that use smaller bulbs and ooh, I forgot to add the recessed fixtures that I think use regular bulbs […]

Filled Under: Home



Last night I finished reading Phantom of the Opera and I must say that I did really enjoy it. It was a bit different than some of the lighter stuff that I usually read. I’ve seen the stage play/musical several times and we own the movie so I was already familiar with the story. It […]

Filled Under: Books



I got tagged by Lynne for this fun little history meme! Too bad my daughter doesn’t read this because she just might enjoy some of these. I’ve seen others do this one as well. Here’s what you do: 1. Go to Wikipedia and type in your birth date only–without the year. February 17 2. List […]

Filled Under: Memes & Quizzes



A few weeks ago I realized that Don had a Lowe’s gift card in his billfold that he’d been carrying around for months! I think from something business related is how he acquired it but as soon as I found it about it, I started a “wish list”. So we went off to Lowe’s on […]

Filled Under: Home