

Thirteen Things Cluttering My Desk 1. sewing machine……..need to use it but can’t get motivated 2. spools of thread 3. offering envelopes for daughter 4. post it notes……stuck in many, many places 5. address book 6. stamps 7. photos 8. shopping list pad 9. sewing scissors 10. some mail that needs attention 11. stack of […]



Wordless Wednesday—–Anticipation

Filled Under: Memes & Quizzes



Shortly before we left for vacation, I decided to buy an umbrella stroller to take on the trip. Kathryn was bringing a car seat on the plane with her but no other equipment so I thought a stroller might be good. We could stroll around or just use it to sit Katelyn in at the […]

Filled Under: Travel



I probably would! Because I seem to save most anything; I think I have that “saving” gene, or is it called being a packrat, ouch! I have way too many things I’ve saved over the years, thinking I might use/need it one day but I am working on trying to get over it and be […]

Filled Under: Food & Cooking, Home



For the few people that read my blog, you probably know that Elizabeth is the one of my children that does NOT like fish at all. Doesn’t want to eat it, look at it or talk about it……she will eat shrimp and maybe some other shellfish which I keep telling her aren’t as good for […]

Filled Under: Family, Travel



Thirteen Things I Like in no particular order 1. Reading…nothing like a good book! 2. Chocolate….I can’t seem to give it up 3. Babies 4. Jesus 5. My family! 6. Sewing 7. Friends 8. Trips 9. Yankee Candles…a new obsession 10. Chick Flicks 11. Shopping… even if I don’t buy anything 12. Reality TV……there’s several […]



David did fire away……..on the last night of our vacation there was a sort of lightning storm at dusk. It rained every evening that we were there, mostly just a short sprinkle but sometimes more. This last night we were waiting around the lodge for an ice cream party when it started lightning. David wanted […]

Filled Under: Family, Travel



Hopefully this will be the last part! After all the hiking, swimming and horseback riding, it was decided we’d go whitewater rafting one day, on Thursday. I sort of wanted to go since everyone else was going but the ranch tried & tried to find another babysitter but no one was available so I stayed […]

Filled Under: Family, Travel



This week Kristine asked for: 1. Your Supplies (home, office, school — whatcha got?) 2. Your Bag 3. Your Mailbox Click below for my photos.



Thirteen Things about Our Vacation Last Week 1. We went to a dude ranch in Colorado…been to Colorado but never a ranch! 2. Did lots of hiking & went also to the top of the Continental Divide. 3. Rode horses on a 6 mile trail ride to a lunch cookout. 4. White water rafting. 5. […]



We did several hikes while on vacation in Colorado and on that Monday afternoon after our wrangler’s breakfast hike, we took a trip with a group from the ranch up to a place called Cottonwood Pass. We drove about 25 miles away up to about 12,000 feet for snowsliding on a patch of snow still […]

Filled Under: Family, Travel



A few weeks ago we finally decided what we’d do for vacation……Colorado isn’t new to us but we went to a dude ranch, a very new experience for us! It’s a christian guest ranch and was a really nice place to go; I think everyone had fun. We flew out on Saturday a week ago […]

Filled Under: Family, Travel



I finished some burp cloths a week or two ago for a friend’s son whose first baby was about to be born. They turned out really cute I thought and someone had asked me to post a picture, so I don’t have to be encouraged too much to do that! I used a couple of […]

Filled Under: Sewing



HOME! I was ready to go about 1 day before we actually left but we’re home now after being on vacation for a week! It was great and it was fun, but even better, it was COOL! Need to catch up with stuff here, email, blog stuff etc. Then I’ll try to write about our […]

Filled Under: Home



Thirteen Things on my to do list for today 1. Sewing….need to finish some burp cloths I’m embroidering for a baby gift. 2. Wrap & deliver baby gift. 3. Wash clothes…..before the pile gets too big! 4. Mail 2 anniversary cards….not a big thing but hard for me to write notes sometimes. 5. Watch Beth […]