

We have a new Walmart in our small town; a Walmart Supercenter opened here today and the old one closed last night. So, had to go and check it out today! It is 3 times larger than the old store but I think it’s not as big as some other supercenters I have been in […]

Filled Under: General



I got this from Stacy’s blog, and it looked kinda fun, so I’m taking it and putting it in mine! 1. What time of day is too late to telephone someone? like 9:30 or 10:00 at night, some people I know I can call that late and some I know I can’t. 2. Have you […]

Filled Under: General



I was tagged by Stacy for this one, and am way late but maybe better late than never. So: 1. Chocolate—an unfortunate weakness for me! I love it and want it all the time. Sometimes I am better about not having it or having it small amounts but usually just can’t quit when I start! […]

Filled Under: Memes & Quizzes



Here are some more pictures of baby Katelyn………….the ones I sent to Stacy and that she used are good too! But for anyone interested, here are some more: Click below for a few more:

Filled Under: Family



Kathryn and Jeremy had their new baby on Wednesday, as Stacy posted on the home page. So, I am in North Carolina helping out with everything at the house, and having fun! Katelyn is so adorable and so far has been a good baby too! Jeremy has made a website for her and lots of […]