

“I’m Dreaming of a White Christmas……” Yeah, I’ll be dreaming for a while because snow won’t happen in the South. This meme has been going around and I’m a little late but think I’ll do it anyway. 1. Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate? Hot Chocolate…….although I would probably rather have spiced tea or decaf Peppermint […]

Filled Under: Memes & Quizzes



Tammy tagged me for this meme, 9 weird things about me So here’s my go at it…… “The way you do the things you do”….. 1. I like my cereal soggy, most of the time. 2. I grew up eating mayo on my peanut butter & banana sandwiches….hubby thinks this is very weird! 3. With […]



I got tagged by my sister Stacy last week to do this meme. This one involves memories and even though I think I’ve always thought I had a good memory, when it comes to childhood memories, I’m not so good at all! Stacy & I are alike in that way, we don’t remember much of […]

Filled Under: Memes & Quizzes



Wordless Wednesday—–Anticipation

Filled Under: Memes & Quizzes



Feast One Hundred and Three Appetizer Fill in the blanks: I ____________ when I _____________. I feel a little light headed when I have to get shots! (on my mind because of having to get that this week!) Soup Name something you use to make your home smell good. Yankee Candles! Salad If you could […]

Filled Under: Memes & Quizzes



What comes to mind when you think of the following colors? RED: juicy red apples BLUE: brilliant sky GREEN: grass YELLOW: daffodils PURPLE: royalty PINK: frilly little girl dresses ORANGE: pumpkins BLACK: dark nights WHITE: fluffy clouds

Filled Under: Memes & Quizzes



10 Favorite Movies from Your Movie Collection 1. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy 2. The Sound of Music 3. The Matrix 4. Chariots of Fire 5. Phantom of the Opera 6. You’ve Got Mail 7. Spiderman 2 8. O Brother, Where Art Thou? 9. It’s A Wonderful Life 10. The Princess Bride Bonus: Beauty […]

Filled Under: Memes & Quizzes



10 Fun Games to Play at a Party 1. Charades 2. Scene It 3. Pictionary 4. Mad Gab 5. Trivial Pursuit 6. Scattegories 7. Taboo 8. Balderdash 9. Guesstures 10. Apples to Apples (although when we played this, about half our group didn’t like it) so one of my favorites is Scrabble, good for a […]



I think I like the fill in the blank ones! 1. I have a picture of my family on my computer desktop. 2. There are 11 pictures hanging on my living room walls. 3. My big goal for this week is to make an out of town visit. 4. I plan to visit lots of […]

Filled Under: Memes & Quizzes



Had a busy weekend with it being a holiday and having company. But decided to do this meme late anyway! ~Tastes of Summer~ By the Way… Which do you prefer? watermelon, canteloupe, or peaches? hard to decide but today I pick canteloupe, probaby because we have one at the house! snowcones, popsicles, or an ice […]

Filled Under: Memes & Quizzes



Filled Under: Memes & Quizzes



It’s all relative: 1. How many siblings do you have? 2 sisters 2. Do you get along with your family? I think so! 3. Think you look like anyone in your family? I’ve been told that I look like my mom and that one of my sisters and I look alike. 4. Do you want […]

Filled Under: Memes & Quizzes



10 things that remind you of your mother This will be hard to think of and do since my mom is gone now but here goes: 1. Coffee-she drank it every morning for most of her life and I never really learned to even halfway like it until after she died. 2. Crossword puzzles-she loved […]



10 Favorite Romantic Movies In no particular order: 1. Casablanca 2. An Affair to Remember 3. The Philadelphia Story 4. You’ve Got Mail 5. Sleepless in Seattle 6. Gone With the Wind 7. Love Story 8. The Notebook 9. Serendipity 10. Sabrina This was hard to do, so many others out there.

Filled Under: Memes & Quizzes



Found this at Stacy’s blog, so I thought I’d swipe it! She found it here. 1. Should I quit blogging? Sigh. No. 2. Toilet paper… over or under? Over……although sometimes people at my house put it on the other way! I like having it over. 3. What brand names are you completely loyal to? Redken, […]

Filled Under: Memes & Quizzes