

Sandra has invited us to share our traditions for the holidays. I missed doing this the first time around but she has graciously redone her post so more of us can share in this. I love Christmas and we have done several things over the years with our children to try to make it meaningful […]

Filled Under: Family, Home



Just a little helpful info to pass along to you………Say you are painting a room somewhere, or maybe a room at the church even. It’s going along ok but you drop some paint and when you bend down to clean it up you might accidentally bump ino the painted wall with the back side of […]

Filled Under: Home



It rained more here yesterday than it has in quite some time and of course that was the day I decided I needed to do my grocery shopping! I should have known better. When I finally got ready to go, it was after lunch and I hate waiting til afternoon to go because the check […]

Filled Under: Home



“Now I know, I know that it’s true, don’t say that this is the end”……….but it is the end; we found that out a few days ago! And I’m not being a happy camper about it! It’s been going on for 3 years now and I took it for granted and thought it would last […]

Filled Under: Home



I probably would! Because I seem to save most anything; I think I have that “saving” gene, or is it called being a packrat, ouch! I have way too many things I’ve saved over the years, thinking I might use/need it one day but I am working on trying to get over it and be […]

Filled Under: Food & Cooking, Home



HOME! I was ready to go about 1 day before we actually left but we’re home now after being on vacation for a week! It was great and it was fun, but even better, it was COOL! Need to catch up with stuff here, email, blog stuff etc. Then I’ll try to write about our […]

Filled Under: Home



I’ve been reading about this bloggy tour of homes over at boomama’s place. You can get lots more tours there! Or see her main page. It looked like so much fun to do and to see everyone’s homes so I decided to join in………very late in the day but here goes. Some photos of my […]

Filled Under: Home



A really nice friend gave me a few tomatoes, REAL tomatoes! The homegrown kind that make such good tomato sandwiches! Which I had yesterday and it was oh, so Good. That is summer to me and these are the first ones I’ve had this year, so I’m very grateful for gardener friends that share. Pictured […]

Filled Under: Home



Yesterday hubby called D and arranged for him to pick up parts for him in Arkansas somewhere and deliver them back to a job in the delta (this is the 2nd time this week he’s used him to run parts) He wanted D to be in Arkansas by 8:30 this morning so that meant he […]

Filled Under: Family, Home



Our neighbor’s yard has fig trees in it, and for many years I have been able to pick from their trees and enjoy the fruit! We have new neighbors now and I don’t know them as well so I don’t feel like I should just go over and help myself to their fig trees; but […]

Filled Under: Home



We camped a good bit when the kids were younger; mostly because it was a way we could take long trips and see lots of the country without spending too much money! And because it gave everyone some different experiences and gave us time to be together as a family. We didn’t eat out very […]

Filled Under: Family, Home



There is a farm in our area that’s been selling sweet corn for a couple of weeks and will have it for a few weeks more. I have heard from several people that it’s the best you will taste and I’ve been wanting some to put up in the freezer. Been told a few different […]

Filled Under: Home



Misty watercolor memories………… A few days ago, the guys were playing golf again (surprise, surprise) and Stacy & I went shopping again for a little while….another huge surprise! But we also drove around some and took a few photos, some of things out of our past. I got a couple of the jr high/high school […]

Filled Under: Family, Home



Both hubby and I went to the doctor this past week to get some places looked at on our arms and neck…..looked like they might could be little skin cancer places. I got a biopsy done on 2 and hubby got it on 3 places. The Dr. also froze 2 places on him that looked […]

Filled Under: Home



And I’ve been working like…………….actually it’s been 4 long days! Worked all day Thursday and Friday at the church helping to decorate for Bible School. Friday evening we drove 30 miles to go out to eat with hubby’s family and visit so we were late getting home. Then I had to go to work on […]

Filled Under: Family, Home